Revolution Slider Error: You have some jquery.js library include that comes after the revolution files js include.
This includes make eliminates the revolution slider libraries, and make it not work.

To fix it you can:
    1. In the Slider Settings -> Troubleshooting set option: Put JS Includes To Body option to true.
    2. Find the double jquery.js include and remove it.


The English Language Teachers’ Association Frankfurt / Rhine-Main-Neckar

ELTAF is a regional professional organization for teachers of English as a foreign language.

We strive to provide our members with all the tools they need to continually develop both their teaching skills and their businesses by offering workshops and networking opportunities.  Our members come from all parts of the globe.

  • Whether self-employed or working for language schools or other institutions…
  • Whether teaching business English to CEOs or early English to young children…

If you are committed to providing professional English language training, join ELTAF today!