Event Details
- Start Date 25/01/2025
- Start Time 10:30
- End Date 25/01/2025
- End Time 12:00
Getting Creative With Grammar: Making grammar teaching enjoyable and memorable with Alan Marsch
Getting Creative With Grammar: Making grammar teaching enjoyable and memorable .
Learners (and sometimes teachers) often link the teaching and learning of grammar with words such as ‘boring’ and ‘difficult’ and they tend to associate grammar with a heavy focus on memorisation of ‘rules’. This session looks at ways of making the presentation and practice of grammar more engaging, enjoyable and memorable for learners, using (slightly) creative techniques which also contribute towards ‘noticing’ and remembering what otherwise may pass them by and in some cases to ‘deeper processing’ and therefore internalisation of challenging grammatical concepts. Oh yes, we might have some fun, too!
This session is appropriate for any teachers who teach grammar, so teachers of learners aged 10 upwards.
Alan is British has worked for many years in English Language Teaching, Teacher Training and Teacher Development with novice and experienced language teachers from all over the world. He is a Cambridge ESOL Celta and Delta Teacher Trainer and is an Associate Teacher Trainer with NILE (Norwich Institute of Higher Education). He is an international conference speaker and an ELT author. He is the Honorary President of the Malta Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language (MATEFL). He is a co-author (with Antonia Clare) of The Creative Teacher’s Compendium: An A-Z Guide for the Language Classroom (Pavilion ELT). Alan is particularly interested in fostering creativity in teachers and learners. He enjoys good novels, good football and being in good company with generally good people.
Cost for ELTAF or other ELTA members: FREE; non-members: EUR 10.
Please register by sending a separate email to: events@eltaf.de and state whether you are a member of ELTAF or another German ELTA. The workshop fee is payable to the ELTAF account:
Postbank Frankfurt
Account no. 756 47 600
Bank code: 500 100 60.
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State your name and the title of the workshop in the reference line. Your registration is only complete when you have transferred the workshop fee.
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