Event Details
- Start Date 17/05/2025
- Start Time 10:30
- End Date 17/05/2025
- End Time 12:00
Think like Leonardo da Vinci and teach your students too! Bring creativity into all your lessons webinar with Susan Hillyard
Born in a Tuscan hamlet in 1452, Leonardo da Vinci, possibly known best for his painting entitled “Mona Lisa”, sketched prolifically, worked on inventions, explored the human anatomy, drew landscapes and crafted magnificent paintings. His influence on life and art during the Renaissance was profound.
In this interactive, experiential webinar we will study and practice the seven Da Vincian principles so that you can try them out yourself with the intention of taking them into your language classroom to help your students develop their own creative thinking in English.
a) Curiosity
b) A willingness to learn
c) Refinement of sensations
d) A willingness to embrace ambiguity
e) Whole brain thinking
f) The cultivation of grace
g) Systems thinking
The session will be largely interactive with very little theory. We will be DOING!!!!
Susan Hillyard:
Susan has a B.Ed. (Hons.) Warwick University, UK. In her 52 yearlong career in 17 countries her roles include Teacher, HOD, Trainer, Conference and Webinar Presenter, Workshop Facilitator, Materials Writer and Researcher. She is Director of SHELTA, offering consultancy, PPD, EMI and courses on teaching English Creatively to Teachers worldwide.
Most recently, SHELTA has provided quality courses for Business Executives, CEOs, and HR teams on Facilitation skills for team building, Presentation skills and storytelling for themes like Diversity, Inclusion and Equity (DIE), Gender Issues and Creativity at Work. She has presented in Spanish at CEMAR’s “Escuelas que Emocianan” in Argentina and Uruguay
(https://www.fundacioncemar.org/courses/escuelas-que-emocionan-uruguay-presencial/) and has run two of her SHELTA courses for Teachers “The Frames: Drama Level 2” and “From Learning Creatively to Teaching Creatively”. The Global Play Brigade (https://www.globalplaybrigade.org/global-playshop) and The East Side Institute in New York have awarded her scholarships to study “The Importance of Play in Personal, Educational and Work Contexts Worldwide” where she has just graduated as an Ambassador for the GPB. As a founding member of “The Creative Revolution” (https://creativerevolution.io/start/) she is studying with Kate Robinson, Sir Ken Robinson’s daughter and contributing articles and materials for developing a Creative Revolution Worldwide.
Academia: https://unisabana.academia.edu/SusanHillyard
Website: www.eltsusanhillyard.com
Social Media
Website: www.eltsusanhillyard.com
E-mail: ssnhillyard@gmail.com
Academia: https://unisabana.academia.edu/SusanHillyard
LI: Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/susan-hillyard-a184338/
Link Tree: https://linktr.ee/ssnhillyard
X: https://twitter.com/Susanhilly
FB: https://www.facebook.com/susanshelta
IG: https://www.instagram.com/susanhillyard/
Cost for ELTAF or other ELTA members: FREE; non-members: EUR 10.
Please register by sending a separate email to: events@eltaf.de and state whether you are a member of ELTAF or another German ELTA. The workshop fee is payable to the ELTAF account:
Postbank Frankfurt
Account no. 756 47 600
Bank code: 500 100 60.
IBAN DE90 5001 0060 0075 6476 00
State your name and the title of the workshop in the reference line. Your registration is only complete when you have transferred the workshop fee.
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