Event Details
- Start Date 10/04/2021
- Start Time 14:00
- End Date 10/04/2021
- End Time 16:20
SMART PRACTICE – Using cognitive science and coaching tools to make learning stick with Marcela Harrisberger
Workshop Description
“Until recently, the conventional thinking was that our brains were hardwired at birth and therefore unchangeable. In actuality, our brains are like malleable plastic that is constantly being reshaped by our daily experiences.” (https://www.diygenius.com/)
The same way we develop our muscles through physical exercise, we can grow nerve cells in our brain with mental exercise. Therefore, it is safe to say that “Where we are right now is just where we should be, given the amount of effort we’ve expended”, Thomas Sterner (from the book The Practicing Mind). Basically, whatever level of performance we have achieved in anything is based on the amount of effort and practice we have expended so far. This is a powerful idea, because it puts us in control of our results, as we are the ones who can decide how good we will be at any skill.
But how can we get our students to engage in making the necessary efforts to reach their learning goals?
In this workshop, we will explore the definition of Smart Practice, a way to encourage learners to practice more and achieve more lasting learning outcomes. We cover the benefits of memory retrieval and how to promote it in our classes. We also learn how to use some coaching tools and techniques to help students implement new sustainable self-study habits and how to use Quizlet in a more effective way to support memory recovery.
Biographical Information
Marcela Harrisberger is an English teacher, a teacher trainer and a certified professional coach. She teaches online and at the VHS in Munich. She is Brazilian, but now lives in Germany. She holds a CELTA, a degree in Educational Psychology and another one in People Management.
Cost for ELTAF or other ELTA members: FREE; non-members: EUR 10.
Please register by sending a separate email to: events@eltaf.de and state whether you are a member of ELTAF or another German ELTA. The workshop fee is payable to the ELTAF account:
Postbank Frankfurt
Account no. 756 47 600
Bank code: 500 100 60.
IBAN DE90 5001 0060 0075 6476 00
State your name and the title of the workshop in the reference line. Your registration is only complete when you have transferred the workshop fee.
You will be sent a link to join the Zoom meeting.