Event Details
- Start Date 20/06/2020
- Start Time 14:00
- End Date 20/06/2020
- End Time 17:30
ELTAF Webinar (Zoom): Creative Speaking Activities for Effective Communication with Jon Wright
Recent events have forced all teachers to think about things that we took for granted in the ‘normal’ classroom: pair and groupwork, monitoring student performance, and how to set up and use activities to encourage active participation in learning in particular.
Our session will look at some innovative practical activities that can be used online and in the classroom. The activities are designed to promote original thinking and at the same time boost problem-solving skills, which are key elements in encouraging learners of all levels to be creative when they speak.
We will also explore ways of ensuring that pairwork and groupwork are both engaging and effective so learners and teachers know how to measure the success of communicative speaking activities.
Biographical information:
Jon Wright is a teacher, teacher trainer, consultant, and examiner with over 25 years’ experience in teaching English in the UK and abroad. Until recently he was senior lecturer in TESOL at Manchester Metropolitan University, where he taught on undergraduate and postgraduate programmes and was responsible for designing teacher training courses.
He has written 17 ELT course books and resource books for publishers such as Oxford University Press, Heinle, DELTA publishing, Cornelsen and HarperCollins Cobuild.
He is particularly interested in innovative teaching methods, promoting learner independence, idioms and idiomatic language, materials design and CLIL.
Cost for ELTAF or other ELTA members: FREE; non-members: EUR 10.
Please register by sending a separate email to: events@eltaf.de and wait for confirmation before paying the workshop fee to the ELTAF account:
Postbank Frankfurt
Account no. 756 47 600
Bank code: 500 100 60.
IBAN DE90 5001 0060 0075 6476 00
State your name and the title of the workshop in the reference line. Your registration is only complete when you have transferred the workshop fee.