Event Details
- Start Date 25/04/2020
- Start Time 14:00
- End Date 25/04/2020
- End Time 17:30
Webinar on Zoom hosted by ELTAF: REGISTRATION IS NOW CLOSED!!!
The crisis we are living through has led to unprecedented changes, not least for teachers, schools, universities and institutions forced to swiftly change to teaching online, at least temporarily. The steep learning curve involved can be disorienting. This webinar aims to provide a ‘systematic approach’ for language teachers on how to re-structure classroom teaching for online delivery. It includes:
- a focus on the similarities and differences between classroom and online delivery in terms of pedagogy and practicalities
- hands-on experience using ZOOM as a platform for delivering synchronous online language classes
- ideas for asynchronous online delivery
- hands-on experience of language learning activities covering grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation and the four language skills
- tips for good practice.
There will be time for attendees to share their own practical teaching ideas and ask questions. Participants will finish the workshop with a clear understanding of the knowledge and skills necessary to teach online.
Biographical information:
Pete Sharma has worked as a language teacher in Spain, Finland and the UK, teaching both general English and business English. He currently works as a presessional lecturer in EAP (English for Academic Purposes) at Warwick University, UK and teaches face-to-face and online. As a teacher trainer, Pete is specialised in using educational technology and has delivered webinars on many aspects of language learning. His latest book is Best Practices for Blended Learning (Pavilion Publishing and Media 2018).
This webinar is FREE for members of ELTAF and other German ELTAs;
Cost for non-members: EUR 10.
Please register by sending a separate email to: events@eltaf.de and wait for confirmation before paying the workshop fee to the ELTAF account:
Postbank Frankfurt
Account no. 756 47 600
Bank code: 500 100 60.
IBAN DE90 5001 0060 0075 6476 00
State your name and the title of the workshop in the reference line. Your registration is only complete when you have transferred the workshop fee.